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The school uniform has been agreed by the school governors. Uniform is an important part of the image of the school and promotes a sense of group identity and discipline.
High heels, sling-backs and open-toed sandals are not considered suitable for school, and trainers should only be worn for outdoor PE.
The only jewellery permitted is a watch and/or ear-studs (one pair).
Jeans, hipsters and fashion trousers are not acceptable.
Makeup and nail polish should not be worn in school.
All clothing should be clearly marked with the child's name.
All pupils are expected to wear the following school uniform:
Boys' Uniform
School sweatshirt (or plain burgundy sweatshirt)
Grey or black school trousers
White polo shirt (with or without school logo)
Sensible black shoes-not trainers
Dark socks
Girls' Uniform
School sweatshirt (or plain burgundy sweatshirt) or School cardigan (or plain burgundy cardigan)
Grey skirt or pinafore dress or
grey or black school trousers
White polo shirt (with or without school logo)
Dark red & white checked/striped summer dress
Sensible black shoes-not trainers
White or dark socks
PE Kit
White round-necked t-shirt (with or without school logo) and black shorts.
Trainers for outdoor PE
Tracksuits for outdoors in cold weather
Second-hand uniform can be purchased from the PTFA – please contact the school office for more information.