
Mr Spragg and Mrs Barber - Class 10


Hi, welcome to the Class 10 page.


I'm Mr Spragg and I am the teacher in class on a Tuesday to Friday. Mrs Barber is the class teacher on a Monday.

Class 10 PE is on a Wednesday morning and a Friday afternoon.

Homework is set on a Friday and returned on the following Wednesday.

We have a spelling test each Friday, children receive their spelling words on a Monday to learn for the week.

I expect children to read at home 3 x weekly and to get this signed off in their reading record. 

There is no homework for half term - except to stay safe and have fun!


We have had a wonderful first half term in school. Our main topic has been to learn about the Tudors - to find out more, there is lots of useful information here: 

The Tudors - BBC Bitesize

and here:

The Tudors Homework Help for kids


In computing we have worked on coding simple computer games, focusing on the skills of decomposition (breaking tricky skills into small steps) and debugging (fixing our mistakes) whilst using variables (things that can change in computer games). We worked on Scratch - why not ask your child to see if they can show you what they know:

Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share


In Maths we have been learning about place value, prime numbers, square numbers and cube numbers. Alongside this we have been refining our Addition and Subtraction methods to make them more efficient.

We use the White Rose maths scheme to assist our learning in class - they have a great app that you can download to help your child improve their 'building block' maths skills here:

1-minute maths app | White Rose Education 


In English we have worked on descriptive writing, including using fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases, paragraphing and using relative clauses in a range of texts, including Newspapers, biographies, diary entries and stories. We have also explored poetry through the works of Benjamin Zephaniah.


We have finished this half term by using the outdoors to take part in outdoor learning experiences. We built dens, orienteered, observed nature, identified bugs and plants and took part in some cookery. 


The children have been wonderful over these past 8 weeks, and I look forward to seeing them back in November.



Star reader: