As you are probably aware, on 25 May 2018 the new General Data Protection Regulations came into effect; this has required the school to audit all the ways in which we collect, store and process personal data of all types. To this effect, the school have produced a new Privacy Notice which has been placed on our website. Copies have also been emailed to parents and are available in hard copy from the school office.
This new legislation has also resulted in the school looking at the way in which we gain consent for school activities.
As a result of this, we have also issued a new photo consent form to be completed and returned to school. This covers the usual photograph areas previously requiring consent, however we also need to include consent for school photographs, usually taken by Tempest Photography. Without this consent, we will be unable to allow children to take part in the class photographs held in June or individual photographs taken in the Autumn term.
There will also be changes to PE and tournament letters where the information of participants will be forwarded to the event organisers; these letters will now detail who this information is sent to and the reasons for this.
Lastly, we have also changed the consent process for the following areas, previously consent options on the school’s application form:
Accessing the internet at school
Religious education and daily collective worship
It is a Lawful requirement that all maintained schools must provide religious education and daily collective worship for all registered pupils and promote their spiritual, moral and cultural development. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from the daily act of collective worship if they wish.
Sex and Relationship Education (SRE)
Parents are free to withdraw their children from SRE if they wish to do so. The only exceptions to this are the biological aspects of human growth and reproduction that are essential elements of National Curriculum Science
Curriculum Trips in school time.
These areas are part of the curriculum and participation is therefore required. You can however contact the office if you have any concerns regarding any of the above or wish to remove your child from any of the above activities.
Emergency medical consent is also an area where consent is not required as the school are acting in loco parentis "in the place of a parent" during school hours, however, every attempt will be made to contact you at the earliest opportunity. The wellbeing of your child will always be our paramount priority If you have any concerns
please contact the office.
Follow these link for letters that have been sent home to parents and other related documents:
Privacy notice for parents and carers
Consent form for taking and using photographs
If you would like paper copies please contact the school office.