Registration and Absence Procedures

The school day begins at 8.55am and again at 12.55 pm. After that time any pupil who arrives will be recorded as being late. They must sign in at the main office before reporting to class. Where possible all medical/dental appointments should be made outside of the school day. However, if this is impossible, a copy of the child’s medical or dental card should be shown at the office to confirm this. We can then confirm lateness as a ‘medical’ absence and therefore authorised.


Reporting Absences


It is a parent’s responsibility to inform school of any reasons for a child’s absence, before 10.00 am, each day that they are absent from school (unless otherwise arranged with school) and to provide further information as required. The process for notification is included as part of the school’s prospectus and indicates a phone call or contact on the first day of absence, followed by a letter of confirmation on the child’s return to school. We will send a letter requesting information if an explanation has not been received. We will have to refer the matter to the school’s EWO (Educational Welfare Officer) if no response is forthcoming.


Thank you for your cooperation.