What will happen if the school has a concern about my child?

As a school we feel that it is important to support your child as soon as we identify that they require additional targeted support. We as a school understand the importance of early intervention.

Throughout the school year your child is assessed regularly by their class teacher. They will be assessed every six weeks using their target booklets (which are based on the levels described in the national curriculum) and they will also have more formal assessments such as SATS and standardised tests (these are used to give us a score which compares your child with the average level compared with a child of their age – the average score for an average child is 100). If the class teacher observes any concerns that they have regarding your child then they will ask you to come into school to discuss these. They will also discuss additional interventions and support that they intend to put in place for your child.

What will happen if the school has a concern about my child?

As a school we feel that it is important to support your child as soon as we identify that they require additional targeted support. We as a school understand the importance of early intervention.

Throughout the school year your child is assessed regularly by their class teacher. They will be assessed every six weeks using their target booklets (which are based on the levels described in the national curriculum) and they will also have more formal assessments such as SATS and standardised tests (these are used to give us a score which compares your child with the average level compared with a child of their age – the average score for an average child is 100). If the class teacher observes any concerns that they have regarding your child then they will ask you to come into school to discuss these. They will also discuss additional interventions and support that they intend to put in place for your child.

What will happen if the school has a concern about my child?

As a school we feel that it is important to support your child as soon as we identify that they require additional targeted support. We as a school understand the importance of early intervention.

Throughout the school year your child is assessed regularly by their class teacher. They will be assessed every six weeks using their target booklets (which are based on the levels described in the national curriculum) and they will also have more formal assessments such as SATS and standardised tests (these are used to give us a score which compares your child with the average level compared with a child of their age – the average score for an average child is 100). If the class teacher observes any concerns that they have regarding your child then they will ask you to come into school to discuss these. They will also discuss additional interventions and support that they intend to put in place for your child.