Shifnal Primary School

Shifnal Primary School

"We're proud to achieve!"

Class 13 - Mrs Humphrey Year 6


Set: Friday 18th October Due: Wednesday 23rd October


Maths homework we will be using the KS2 Year 6 Maths White Rose Book.

English homework we will be using the KS2 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Book. ( unless other wise stated )


Maths: Long Multiplication and Short Division - 2 sheets in your Purple Homework book.

English: Punctuated Speech - Pages 56 & 57


Spellings: Words Ending in 'able' - The spelling test will be on Wednesday 23rd October.


Should you need any help in completing please come and see Mrs Humphrey on Monday or Tuesday.


P.E will be on Tuesday and Friday


Remember to keep reading and practising your timestables on TT Rockstars.  


If you require any further information please ask in school before the due in date or contact me on my email address: